

     I had heard somebody had said:' When you know more, it will be more worse.'

     I knew it, but what I can't understand is just: ' Why people have to lie?' I know that when people telling a lie it must have his or her own reason. But sometimes, if we knew the truth from the other people, and not from the lier, you may feel more and more and more sad and disappointed. I don't know why the friends whom are very close to one another and also very know about the heart have to lie so many many many many things!!!!! I am just confused about that.

     I know that everyone might have the secrets in its mind, but not everything needs to deceive. The small lies is ok, but it doesn't need to make some big big big big or even a huge huge huge lies to the friends, right?Sometimes it will let me feel so foolish!!!!! Oh god~~~~~

     Please make the world be luminosity!!And not anymore big lies around me!!!!!

